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Obama: No Vision As Foundation To Spending; Except Maybe Socialism

Obama: No Vision As Foundation To Spending; Except Maybe Socialism

Slightly more than 20 years, I wrote the article Why Socialism Failed and it appeared ... the flagship publication of the Foundation for Economic Education. ... as if I perhaps assumed the failures of socialism were so apparent and ... We must be vigilant in our fight against socialism not only around the globe.... This post-Obama, post-Clinton Democratic Party is going to go through some ... (Elizabeth Frantz/Reuters) Democrats find that political life without a ... in even trying to win over the wing of the party that didn't share his vision. ... to bend the knee and accept his socialist agenda as the party's new direction.. The question to ask is accordingly not 'whether' socialism, but 'which' socialism. ... And it's a movement that has endorsed Barrack Obama, John Kerry, ... In fact, once you spend just a half hour or so researching the subject on the web, ... Unless, that is, we perhaps count Donald Trump, who is said to have.... When we have faced down impossible odds; when we've been told that we're not ready, or that we shouldn't try, or that we can't, generations of Americans have.... As a former Barack Obama national security adviser told the Post, ... Authoritarianism is the inevitable outcomea feature of socialistic systems, not a bug, because those systems empower government at the expense of individuals. ... Or maybe socialism is a fundamentally flawed idea that always leads to.... Barack Obama won the White House on a promise to reorder how ... Socialist Worker Home ... in time shouldn't blind us to a clear-eyed view of what the Obama ... concerns of most Americans, and likely to spend years in the political ... the conservative Heritage Foundation promoted and that Republican.... Maybe the reason why socialists don't like personal responsibility is that ... logic of socialism, wedded as they are to a benevolent vision of the State and the ... they really believe that, to quote President Obama, You didn't build that. ... or You shall not steal unless you're absolutely positive you can spend it.... Spending money you don't have is immoral. ... You are aware that the places you mentioned, except for maybe Germany are all having ... on the table lest they spook the voters they need to implement their socialist vision. ... No libertarian would ever call Obama a moderate socialist so your whole charade.... Former president Barack Obama does have thoughts about Bernie Sanders, ... vision 2020 Feb. ... at an Obama Foundation meeting in Chicago that set off a firestorm. ... whose democratic socialism is a significant break from Obama's ... There is no way Barack Obama is intervening, unless something very.... With Obama cuddling up to Cuba, it's time to remind ourselves of the evils of socialism ... the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation in Washington, D.C. ... Today, in America, for the first time in nearly a century, socialism is not a dirty ... Maybe we should have seen this loss of historical memory coming.... This massive bail-out is not the solution, it is financial socialism, it is un-American ... Perhaps even more compelling is the overnight conversion of Representative ... Barack Obama as a socialisthas brought socialism into mainstream political ... automatically equal a socialist vision of society that puts people before profits.. Self-identified socialists like Bernie Sanders, Alexandria ... steer clear of unions except at election time and at least until recently, fight over how ... for bills that skyrocket and debt that never dissipates, maybe socialism is worth a try. ... left tell a story of personal struggle that meshes with their political vision.. "Socialists" and Republicans forget different parts of this lesson. ... conceived rival ideals leaves both left and right with a dangerous blind spot. ... According to the conservative Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic ... taxes are high and welfare spending is lavish outscore the United States in the.... What is being offered by contemporary socialists are fairy tales, and we should not mistake them for the truth. These portrayals of socialism and.... Socialism is a political, social and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic ... It was not until after the Bolshevik Revolution that socialism was appropriated by Vladimir Lenin to ... The society laid many foundations of the Labour Party and subsequently affected the ... "Excerpt from Commanding Heights".. This excerpt won the 2017 Daniel Singer Millennium Prize for ... Lost in the noise of the 2016 election cycle is the fact that no viable ... and education spending, the policy-makers' divergence from popular opinion has been particularly stark. ... We need a vision of a better future, one that turns our modern.... Socialism in the United States began with utopian communities in the early 19th century such ... He coined the phrase "Cost the limit of price", with "cost" here referring not to ... the term "socialism" (or "creeping socialism") as a means of dismissing spending on public ... "NYT Peppers Obama With Questions About Socialism".. Once demonised, the word 'socialism' is back as a new political movement takes root. ... painted Obama a president who recapitalised the banks without saving the ... Roosevelt saw the reforms as laying the foundations for the kind of ... but maybe these developments were in a way necessary, she said.. He quotes Obama saying, Maybe we pushed too far, lamenting that he may ... a vague philosophical foundation for Obama's policies and no direct heirs to ... But Democrats have few options, having spent the past two years.... No such elegant detachment can be attributed to Donald Trumpa president who, ... Replacing Obama is not enoughTrump has made the negation of Obama's ... Every demographic group, that is, except one: people who identified as white. ... the dependent problem of black exploitation could be confronted or perhaps...


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